Salam kepada anak-anak putera dan puteri ting 1 dan 2. Sila hantar emel addr anda kpd cg, jika mahu nota softcopy ictl. Hantarkan ke egoldenfuture@gmail.com. Mudah2an anak -anak diberkati dan dirahmati Allah. Jaga solat, kesihatan dan berusahalah bersungguh2 agar mendapat kecemerlangan dalam peperiksaan ini.

Computer Lab Rules and Regulations
Appendix K


Below are  rules and regulations for computer lab users.

1.             Pupils are prohibited to enter the lab unless authorised by the teacher.
2.             Scan diskettes before using them.
3.             Report all problems related to the system to the teacher.
4.             Do not attempt to repair or tamper with lab equipment.
5.             Be responsible when using equipment, software and facilities in the lab.
Untuk mendapatkan nota2 lain sila beri emel address awk kpd saya. niah70@yahoo.com